The example shows that the column headings are A2, B2, and C2. 这个例子显示的列标题是A2、B2和C2。
The first line of the CSV file can be the column headings for the file. CSV文件的第一行可以是该文件的列标题。
After that, you create a series of cells to render the column headings using the previously calculated values and drawing full borders for each cell. 在此之后,您将使用以前计算出的值并描绘出每个单元格的完全边界,来创建一系列单元格以呈现列标题。
If a database has many views, especially views with sortable column headings, this structure can use a substantial amount of disk space. 如果数据库有许多视图,尤其是如果有许多带有可排序的列标题的视图,则该结构会占用大量磁盘空间。
The format for the CSV file is simple: the first row contains a list of column headings, and the following rows contain the data. CSV文件的格式很简单:第一行包含列标题列表,下面的行包含数据。
In this case, I wanted a big, bold, blue style for a title, and a bold over grey style for the column headings. 在本例中,我们希望标题样式使用大号字体、粗体和蓝色,列标题为粗体和灰色样式。
You need to know in which cells the title and column headings are located. 您需要知道标题和列标题位于哪些单元格上。
We then use this vector to set the column headings of the JTable. 然后我们用这一向量来设定JTable的列的标题。
A pivot table is a table in which the user can dynamically choose which fields are used as the row headings, the column headings, and what is shown as the data in each cell. Pivot表是这样一种数据表,用户可以动态地选择其中的哪些字段被用作行标题、列标题,以及被显示为每个单元格中的数据。
The six tables that follow present our findings under these column headings 以下的六个表格展示了我们的发现
You can modify the column headings. 您可以修改列标题。
In this walkthrough your CSV file must have column headings. 在本演练中,您的csv文件必须具有列标题。
Use field names, captions, or first row of data as column headings or chart labels? 是否用字段名、标题或数据的首行作为列标题或图表标签?
The wizard shows column headings from my spreadsheet in the task pane. 向导在任务窗格中显示电子表格中的列标题。
Clear this check box if you want saved or copied result data to have only the data and not the column headings. 如果希望保存或复制的结果数据只有数据而没有列标题,请清除此复选框。
Tasks view displays all the tasks in your web site in a column format and provides current information about each task under various headings. “任务”视图以列格式显示网站中的所有任务,并在各个标题下提供有关各项任务的当前信息。
Crosstab query contains one or more invalid fixed column headings 交叉表查询包含一个或多个无效固定的列号
Access uses these column headings to name the fields in the table. access使用这些列标题为表中的字段命名。
On the next page of the wizard, select the first row contains column headings check box, and then click next. 在向导的下一页上,选中“第一行包含列标题”复选框,然后单击“下一步”。
Specify the cell range that contains the data you want to display in a map. Include a column of geographic data and the cells that contain column headings. 请指定要在地图上显示的单元格区域.此区域应包含一列地理数据及列标题。
Saturday Evening Bonus: Working with Tables-Define rows and columns, captions, column and row headings, and data cells. 周六晚上的奖励:用表格来工作-定义行和列,表格标题,列标题及行标题。
Copy with or without row numbers and column headings 复制数据,可以附加(也可不加)行号及列标题
Therefore, if you have only one section, i.e your report consists of one long list, and you like the column headings to be printed on every page, set this flag on. 这样,如果你只有一个数据区,也就是说,你的报表包含了很长的列表,你愿意让每页都打印标题,设置这个标记。
However, you can change the column headings to any headings that you want by editing the column header cells. 但是,您可以编辑列标题单元格,以便将列标题更改为所需的任何标题。
Some examples of column headings are full name, job title, company, and categories. 例如,“全名”、“职务”、“单位”和“类别”等列标题。